gen zilennial

︎ ······· emerson lawton / in collaboration
            with greg bondkendall gregorylena johnson

︎ ······· Illustrator/AfterEffects animation/audio/vinyl installation
︎ ······· october 2020/senior year

2020 was a year of unexpected challenges, realizations, growth, and chaos. As a young adult, this felt like a violent coming of age, accompanied by a growing mountain of pressing and terrifying problems in need of solving piled on my generation’s shoulders. We are the in between. Stuck in a space between being old enough to start contributing to the workforce in a significant way and still feeling like kids while finishing school, between wanting so solve these problems and having no idea where to start, between two generations, neither of which expected to shoulder so much weight this young. 

We are bonded by these experiences. We’re growing up through multiple economic recessions, a divisive and destructive presidency, declining mental health among young adults and teens, protests against racism and police brutality, more calendar days with gun violence and school shootings than without, the global spread of a deadly virus. It’s so easy to feel alone and overwhelmed, feeling like we need to be making a difference, but not knowing how. 

Dear gen zilennial: we are not alone. 

Read about our group’s process in our collectiveMedium post.

emerson lawton 2021