design in

︎ ······· emerson lawton/in collaboration
abby fenn kendall gregory morgan recker
︎ ······· risograph prints/vinyl installation
︎ ······· november 2020/senior year 

Bottom line: design can feel pointless sometimes. 

Sitting in my room refining typography or annotating design briefs can feel so shallow and convoluted when healthcare workers are risking their own lives to treat Covid patients, but if I got stuck in that mindset, everything I did would feel insignificant. A big part of design is sifting through pretentious articles and critiques and finding my own meaning in what I do. What drives me to study in this field? What gets me excited about design? How can I make the field more accessible, inclusive, and comfortable for others? I’m aware of how much gatekeeping there is in the design world—am I part of the problem? 

Not all design needs to be backed by complex metaphors or societal criticisms. Design can be fun, it can be silly, it can make fun of itself, and it can be just for me. In this installation Abby, Kendall, Morgan and I used annotations, reworks, and satire of our own previous work to open an honest conversation about the role of humor, critique, and meaning in design.

Read about our group’s process in our collective
Medium post.

emerson lawton 2021